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Digital Transformation Disruption: what you need to know

How to Thrive in the Face of Change in the Disruption of Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation Disruption: How to Thrive in the Face of Change

The digital transformation disruption of today’s business environment can be scary and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. 

With the right strategy and mindset, you can thrive in the face of change, putting yourself and your company in the best possible position to succeed in the future.

 In this guide, we’ll talk about some tips and strategies to follow when it comes to creating your own digital transformation disruption so that you can ensure your business stays competitive as new technologies and services emerge over time.

What Is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation changes, and as such, it’s rarely linear. 

Though there may be five trends that define digital transformation Disruption in 2022 (in no particular order), there will be countless things that impact your organization over that time period.

 That makes a strategy for dealing with the key; consider these seven steps as an example.

 But before you do, read our previous advice on developing a Digital Transformation Strategy. 

Know What You Want To Do First: 

If you don't know what you want to do first, how can you expect to get anything done?

 We're not saying that creating a Digital Transformation Strategy is easy or straightforward, but without knowing where you want to go, it's impossible to set up goals and milestones that lead somewhere.

 So ask yourself what first, and then ask yourself how. 

This should be easier than deciding on whether or not digital transformation matters at all! 

Understand The Digital Transformation Trends In 2022: 

Understanding digital transformation trends in 2022 aren't about predicting what technology will look like four years from now.

 Instead, it's about understanding how digital technologies are changing business models and operating models today. 

And while some organizations are taking advantage of these changes more quickly than others, they're happening nonetheless, so figure out which ones matter most to your organization now so you can prepare accordingly.

Get Your Employees On Board With Digital Transformation: 

The only way digital transformation happens is if everyone who works for you believes in its importance and has bought into its value otherwise, it won't happen at all.

 Make sure employees understand why they need to embrace new technologies and processes by explaining their role in helping you achieve your business objectives.

 Give them examples of digital transformations that have worked well for other companies and help them see how their job fits into your Digital Transformation Strategy. 

Communicate Changes As They Happen

Keeping everyone informed is crucial to ensuring digital transformation stays on track.

 While keeping an eye on your company's overall progress toward achieving its Digital Transformation Strategy is important, it's also critical to keep employees abreast of any specific changes or shifts along the way. 

For example, when you hire someone new or make a significant organizational change, explain why those moves were made and let people know what they mean for future plans.


Measure Progress And Adapt As Necessary:

Measuring progress toward achieving digital transformation means looking at both short-term successes and long-term gains.

When you develop your Digital Transformation Strategy, think about the metrics you'll use to measure success and write them down.

 Then, once you've started executing your plan, revisit those metrics regularly to ensure you're staying on track. 

If not, make adjustments to stay within the parameters of your Digital Transformation Strategy. 

Don't Forget About Emerging Technologies: 

When we talk about digital transformation trends in 2022, we mean emerging technologies that could change how businesses operate and compete.

 Some of these developments may seem obvious right now (think artificial intelligence), but others could surprise us (like blockchain).

 As you create and execute your Digital Transformation Strategy, remember to keep an eye out for emerging tech trends.

 Consider how they might affect your organization and what you can do to leverage them.

 Remember, Digital Transformation Is A Journey:

 Digital transformation is a journey, not a destination. 

The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be, because it's all about the process of getting there, not reaching an endpoint.

 As you move forward with your Digital Transformation Strategy, remember that digital transformation is an ongoing process that never ends.

 If you take the time to lay the groundwork now and put systems in place to monitor your progress (and course-correct as necessary), you're much more likely to succeed in 2022 than if you just hope for the best.

Understand the Current State of Affairs

Although digital transformation isn’t exactly a new phenomenon, it has exploded as a priority for many businesses since about 2010. 

As organizations mature and learn how to optimize their digital channels, business leaders are realizing that there is no going back. 

The days of setting up an account on Facebook and passively waiting for people to find you are over. 

Digital transformation is real, and while it can be daunting at times, it is also a fantastic opportunity for businesses large and small if they understand what steps they need to take to prepare themselves.

 One of these first steps is gaining an understanding of what disruption really means, what constitutes digital disruption vs. simple change, as well as some basic strategies that can help any business thrive in an ever-changing landscape. 

That's where we come in.

 In our next post, we'll walk through digital transformation disruptions so you know how to handle them when they come your way. 

But before we do that, let's define what digital disruption is all about. According to Forrester Research, Digital disruption occurs when an existing company or product is disrupted by a startup or tech company.

 Basically, big companies like Kodak and Blockbuster have been taken down by startups who saw opportunities in their respective industries that incumbents didn't see coming.

This could happen to any industry or market—even yours! To ensure that doesn't happen, you need to understand what forces are disrupting your industry and how those forces might affect your business.

 If you don't know what disruptors look like in your space, consider reaching out to other businesses that have experienced similar changes (and successes) so they can share their experiences with you. 

Here are just a few examples of digital disruption across different industries: 

Uber: Taxi services were completely disrupted by Uber. 

Lyft: Uber wasn't satisfied being just a taxi service; they wanted to own both sides of the transportation equation. So they bought Lyft. 

Airbnb: Hotels were completely disrupted by Airbnb, which allows users to rent rooms from homeowners instead of paying exorbitant hotel fees.

 Snapchat: Social media was completely disrupted by Snapchat, which offers users more privacy than traditional social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter allow for.

 When assessing your current state of affairs, think about whether or not your organization is ready to deal with disruptions.

  • Can you react quickly enough?
  • Are you willing to change long-held practices? 
  • Are you willing to accept that technology may be moving faster than even you can keep up with? 

These are all questions worth asking yourself as part of your digital transformation project. With a clear idea of what kinds of disruption might occur, here are some ways in which any business should strategize its path forward:

 1 . Don't Be Afraid to Make Big Changes:

Sometimes making small tweaks isn't enough anymore because consumers' expectations continue to rise every day. 

When consumers expect innovation and speedier products/services, nothing less will suffice. 

Take, for example, Apple's release of the iPhone 7. While this smartphone is virtually identical to the iPhone 6 and 6S, Apple sold more iPhones in the first weekend of release than it did with any previous iPhone model.

 Consumers are expecting better, faster, stronger not good enough. Any business that wants to survive in today's digital world needs to constantly reassess what they're doing and how they're doing it.

 2 . Know Your Customers:

 It sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how often businesses ignore their customers.

 Before making any decisions about your digital transformation project or your business as a whole, be sure you know what your customers want and need from you so that you can deliver a truly personalized experience for each one of them.

 3 . Hire the Right People:

Not all employees are created equal. 

A business can't succeed without a team of talented, motivated individuals who believe in your mission and have the skills to get the job done. 

When hiring new employees, make sure you're getting the best of the best, someone who has what it takes to succeed in your industry and in your company.

 4 . Understand What's Changing:

 You can't plan for something you don't understand.


Understanding what's changing is key to any successful digital transformation project or business strategy.

 5 . Have a Plan B:

 Even though you've done everything right, sometimes things go wrong, and plan changes.

 Having a backup plan in place can save your business from complete disaster. When developing your digital transformation project, have a plan for what you'll do if your original ideas don't work out. 

6 . Keep an Open Mind:

 If you're willing to listen to feedback and be open to change, you're already on the road to success. 

The best businesses are always looking for new ways to improve and grow, so don't be afraid of making mistakes or trying new things. 

When it comes time to move forward with your digital transformation project, be sure that you're doing so with an open mind and a willingness to learn from mistakes along the way.

 Digital disruption is inevitable, the only question is how much disruption will there be?

Stay On Track with Your Goals

Staying on track with your goals is important, but we’re going, to be honest with you here: a lot of people don’t. Why? Because they can be hard sometimes. 

That’s why it’s helpful to learn how to keep on track with your goals by using metrics and analytics. 

You can also set up reminders for yourself so that you know exactly when it’s time to take action on a certain goal! 

Onboarding software helps make sure new hires are productive as quickly as possible by making sure systems are set up correctly and guiding new hires through each step of their onboarding process.

 It reduces hours spent onboarding new employees which results in better quality and efficiency from employees.

 Automating key processes with itsm digital transformation solutions provides employees an easy-to-follow framework that ensures consistency and accuracy of tasks, minimizing errors in roles like customer service representatives or claims adjusters who could have multiple tasks daily related to an incident or claim.

 Itsm digital transformation can also be used for help desk ticket management, IT monitoring, and tracking internal support tickets.

Data is one of your company’s most valuable assets; it’s what tells you where you stand now and where you need to go next in order to reach your goals. 

When you run a business, there are always more things on your plate than you can possibly get done yourself.

Look at End Results Rather Than Steps Taken

One major benefit of thinking about disruption is that it’s about results rather than steps taken.

 Everyone wants digital transformation services, but very few people know what they want at any given time; as a result, a lot of digital transformation programs get stuck spending months developing business cases, strategies and tactics—when they should have been hiring agencies and developers. 

Disruption doesn’t require these sorts of things; instead, you just need an end goal in mind.

 With digital transformation services, you might decide to start with small improvements (such as integrating apps or deploying artificial intelligence). 

Then, once those are implemented successfully, you can think about expanding your goals into something bigger (like optimizing processes or improving customer experience).

 Regardless of which route you take, always be sure to consider results first. 

Assemble Your Team Based on Digital Transformation Services Experience:

If you’re looking for best-in-class digital transformation services, then it only makes sense to assemble a team based on best-in-class experience.

 If your company has already hired outside consultants for help with one project, don’t forget to check out their previous work before moving forward.

 The same goes for individual employees; if you’ve noticed someone doing great work, ask them if they have experience with similar projects.


If so, then bring them to your team! This will ensure that everyone involved understands exactly what needs to be done and why.

The Future of Digital Transformation Services Is Now:

It’s no secret that many companies struggle when it comes to digital transformation services.

 They either hire too many different contractors without a plan or fail to meet deadlines.

 If you want to avoid these problems, then you need to create a road map for your project from day one. 

This means setting clear goals and determining which digital transformation services are most important for your business; then, make sure everyone is working toward those goals on a daily basis.

 If your company has never done anything like this before, don’t worry just start small and work your way up.

Embrace Change and Take Action

One of the hallmarks of successful companies is that they are at least aware, if not ready and waiting, for change.

 Digital transformation disruption is not something that can be avoided by any business or person. 

In fact, there’s nothing preventing you from embracing change before it happens, rather than waiting for it to happen and reacting afterward.

And one good way to do so is through digital transformation consulting.

 Digital transformation consultants help their clients understand what changes are coming down the pike, as well as how to make those changes easier on everyone involved.

 By embracing digital transformation disruption or better yet, leading it—you can find yourself on top of your game instead of left behind when things inevitably change.

 It may seem daunting, but all it takes is a little preparation.

 After all, digital transformation disruption is here to stay; ignoring it will only hurt your business in the long run.

By using digital transformation consulting services, you can prepare for digital transformation disruptions while also taking action to avoid them entirely.