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iot based projects that will make your life easier

10 Amazing iot based projects That Will Make Your Life Easier

10 Amazing iot based projects That Will Make Your Life Easier

The Internet of Things, or IoT, means connecting devices over the internet. In the past few years, the market for IoT has grower lives.

 Today we’re going to be taking a look at 10 amazing iot based projects that will make your life easier and give you some inspiration as to what you can do with your own iot based projects!

1) Create An Interactive Lamp

One of our favorite IoT products to date is a gesture-controlled contactless switch for smart home devices.


The product lets you turn off/on any light by just waving your hand.

 Now, as described in another post, turning on/off lights via a smartphone app is quite popular, but: 

what if you want some privacy or cannot find your phone at that moment? 

The same can be said about wearables:

what if they’re not on your wrist or are far away from you?

 That’s where IoT comes into play! This project is really easy to make and uses basic parts like Arduino and Bluetooth modules. 

You can build it in an hour or two and control it via the Android app. 

You can also use Raspberry Pi instead of Arduino, which will make building even easier!

2) Build A Mini Home Security Camera

It’s much easier to prevent theft than it is to deal with it after it’s happened. 

These tiny cameras can be installed virtually anywhere and let you find out when someone takes your stuff. 

The camera is also wireless, which means you can avoid having unsightly wires running around your house or office.

 And best of all, if someone does steal something from you, these cameras will provide a picture so you can identify your thief.

 If you’re really worried about crime, consider buying two and installing one outside as well. 

This way you can monitor both entrances to your home without needing to check multiple security feeds on different screens.

 3) Remote Plant Monitor

If you are a gardener looking to improve your game and make your garden easier to manage, these remote plant monitors will definitely help you.

With sensor technology in place, you can monitor your plants while you work or play. It also connects to mobile devices, so you can adjust settings from afar or receive alerts when something goes wrong.

You can use Raspberry Pi for home automation Top 6 Remote Plant Monitoring Ideas to Keep Your Garden Healthy

Remote Plant Monitor: Overview How do remote plant monitors work? 

Simply put, they use sensors that collect data on everything from temperature to soil moisture.

 And they send that data wirelessly back to a computer or smartphone app. Depending on what type of monitor you have, your data could be sent via Wi-Fi or radio frequency (RF).

 The good news is that there are plenty of options available—if you’re willing to spend a little time researching and shopping around.

 Remote Plant Monitor: How Do I Choose? 

When shopping for remote plant monitors, think about what you want to measure—and how much money you want to spend. 

The great thing about these devices is that they’re relatively inexpensive, but you should still plan to spend at least $50–$100.

 Some people buy several different types of monitors at once; others find one they like and stick with it. 

There are pros and cons to both approaches, but if you want to start simple, just choose one remote plant monitor per season (spring/summer/fall) and see how things go before expanding your collection. 

Remote Plant Monitor: What Are My Options?

 Remote plant monitors come in all shapes and sizes, so there’s no shortage of options.

 Before you shop, think about what you want to measure and where you need to measure it.

 For example, if you only need to know whether or not your plants are getting enough water, a basic soil moisture sensor might suffice.

 But if you want information on temperature and humidity too, look for a multi-sensor option instead. 

Also, consider how many sensors you need—and where you’ll put them. While single-sensor models exist, most remote plant monitors include multiple sensors built into one device.

So if you want to monitor multiple plants at once, opt for a model with multiple sensors included. 

Remote Plant Monitor: What Else Should I Consider? 

Remote plant monitors generally fall into two categories:

 battery-powered and AC-powered. 

  • Battery-powered models are usually cheaper, but you’ll need to remember to change their batteries every few months. 
  • AC-powered models, on the other hand, plug directly into a wall outlet. This means you don’t have to worry about replacing batteries—but you do have to remember to unplug them before leaving home. 

Remote Plant Monitor: Where Can I Buy One?

 If you don’t already own a remote plant monitor, now is a great time to buy one. 

You’ll find plenty of affordable options online, and it’s easy to compare prices, features, and reviews.

 Just search for a remote plant monitor or IoT-based smart home product. 

4) Remote Health Monitoring System for COVID-19 Patients 

One of the most challenging tasks in modern medicine is to develop safe and effective patient monitoring systems that can protect patients from further deterioration in their health. 

As a result, medical practices have resorted to manually monitoring patients using paper charts. This is cumbersome and inefficient.

 Recently, however, companies like ZettaLabs have started experimenting with the Internet of Things (IoT) to create an environment where patients are continuously monitored without much human intervention.

COVID-19 is one such application developed by researchers at the University of California, San Diego.

 It uses off-the-shelf IoT components including an Intel Edison board and Arduino microcontroller board to build a smart system for remote heart rate monitoring using an Arduino GSM shield. 

the device includes motion sensors that trigger heart rate monitors when they detect abnormal movements indicating some type of cardiac distress.

5) Smoke Detecting IoT Device Using Gas Sensor 

Smoke Detecting IoT Device Using Gas Sensor is a smart system designed for home safety. It has a gas sensor that can detect gas leakage in the house. 

When it detects gas, it alerts with an alarm and sends a push notification to our mobile phone.

 So we can take immediate action to protect ourselves before it becomes harmful to our health. 

Moreover, its components are cheap, easy to use, and readily available in any hardware store or online electronics market.


Making such smart projects with Arduino makes them even more fun as it allows us to design and program our own devices without requiring deep knowledge of programming languages or microcontroller architecture like ARM.

6) Create A Temperature And Humidity Monitor

Smart homes are often advertised as connected and automated, but not much attention is given to monitoring actual conditions in your home.

 The best thing about installing a temperature and humidity monitor is that you'll never have to wonder if your air conditioner is working or how hot it feels inside your house again.

 And, though we tend to focus on temperature and humidity when thinking about our indoor environment, a little more thought could reveal other things you'd like to measure.

  •  Is there enough fresh air circulating?
  •  How often do you spend time in rooms that could use some moisture?
  •  What's your carbon dioxide level? 

All of these can be measured with an appropriate sensor.

7) Tracking The Position Of A Moving Object

False Muscle Stress Detector is a project based on artificial intelligence technology and consists of three main modules:

  • Webcam to take pictures of the computer screen where GPS movement is displayed.
  • The second module consists of an Arduino board
  • The third module consists of a Raspberry Pi along with an SD card module.


When the user sits in his office chair and begins to work at the computer, he usually maintains the wrong posture, and the neck pain increases due to the improper position of the neck.


The software written in the Raspberry Pi computes the motion coordinates and saves them to an SD card to be later uploaded to the server as a Google Spreadsheet link or emailed to keep a tracking log for a certain period.

 This iot based project can also be used by parents to keep a track of their children while they are playing outside the home by sending SMS alerts when their child goes out of their specified area. 

This iot based project will help you to keep away from muscle strain caused by incorrect posture during work hours or play hours.

8)  Smart Cup Coaster – IoT in Home Appliances

If you like having a hot cup of coffee or tea every day, then get ready to discover your new favorite gadget.

 Not only will it keep your cup hot and fresh, but you’ll also be able to check in on it with your phone to see if it needs a refill, as well as get alerts whenever someone else uses it.

 And did we mention that it has a built-in coaster?

 Pretty awesome! It’s called Smart Cup Coaster, and it was designed by Kentaro Yoshifuji.

 It keeps drinks at an optimal temperature for up to two hours while providing useful information via its companion app.

 You can even set reminders so you don’t forget about your drink when you leave home! It’s powered by a USB cable that connects to any device with a USB port (PC/laptop/tablet).

 The Smart Cup Coaster is currently raising funds on Kickstarter.

9) Remote Monitoring of Valuables Like Bikes Or Vehicles

One of these projects focuses on tracking an object in real-time with a mobile phone or PC.

 The other uses artificial intelligence to monitor your vehicle or bicycle so you can be alerted when it’s moved, and even send messages if they are moved while unlocked.

 If you have something valuable you need to keep track of, either project could be a great way to do it.

 Or, if they both seem pretty neat, why not do both! These are fun projects that will give you some experience working with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and cloud services like AWS or Azure.

 And that’s just good practice for future IoT projects.

10) Create A Programmable Selfie Machine

Ever wanted to take a selfie with your pet but couldn’t because they were too far away?

 Now you can! The Create a Programmable Selfie Machine is perfect for taking pictures of yourself and your friends, or even family members.

This is also great for making sure everyone in your group gets into a picture together. With a variety of colors to choose from, you’ll be sure to find one that matches any room in your house. 

No batteries are required and it automatically shuts off after one minute of nonuse, so no worries about wasting energy. This is an easy project for beginners since it does not require any soldering or difficult assembly.

 All you need is some basic hand tools and a screwdriver, which will allow you to put everything together within an hour. 

When you’re done, just plug it in and start snapping photos. It’s as simple as that! You can make all kinds of fun poses for your selfies using these clever little gadgets. 

They are very inexpensive, durable, and reusable over time so you won't have to worry about constantly buying new ones every time they break down on you.

 These programmable selfie machines come with a full instruction manual showing how to use them properly so there's no risk of damaging them or breaking them down before their time has come.