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Why Offshore Mobile App Development Is a Smart Business Strategy

 Is Offshore Mobile App Development Right for Your Business?

Why Offshore Mobile App Development Is a Smart Business Strategy

One of the biggest decisions any growing business has to make is whether to outsource some of its tasks, like mobile app development, to an external contractor. 

While outsourcing can save money and time upfront, there are numerous drawbacks that can affect your bottom line in the long term. 

These include communication issues, difficulty in setting timelines and expectations, and lack of accountability.

 Before you decide to outsource mobile app development or any other part of your business, weigh the pros and cons carefully to make sure it’s the right choice for your company’s needs.

Pros and Cons of offshoring your project

When it comes to deciding whether or not to offshore your mobile app development project, there are a few things you need to consider. 

The cost of services is often lower when you go with an offshore company, but that doesn't mean the quality of work will be as well.

 If you're looking to hire the best of the best, then you might want to keep your project in-house. 

However, if you're on a tight budget, offshore mobile app development might be the way to go. 

There are benefits and drawbacks to both approaches - it's all about weighing your options and deciding what's best for your business.

 India, for example, has proven to have low rates of English proficiency. Android applications are becoming more popular than iOS ones because they use fewer data and can handle larger sizes more efficiently. 

Developing apps on iOS can be done with any programming language, such as Objective-C and Swift while developing apps for Android requires Java knowledge. 

You'll also need to learn how to use Google Play Services and configure apps so they work on different devices. 

And lastly, some developers recommend creating separate APKs for every screen size supported by the OS in order to avoid fragmentation issues which make updates tricky. 

It is true that offshoring your mobile app development project means giving up control over how the final product looks, feels, and functions; however outsourcing your project could result in greater speed and scalability of your business.

 Ultimately, you need to weigh the pros and cons before making your decision. Remember that even if you decide to outsource your project, it's still important to stay on top of the process and communicate effectively with your team.

Preparing your project for an offshore team

When you outsource your mobile app development to an offshore team, there are a few things you need to do in order to prepare your project. 

  • First, you need to make sure that your project is well-defined and that all the requirements are gathered. This will help the offshore team understand what needs to be done. 

  • Second, you need to create a detailed project plan that includes milestones and deadlines. This will help keep the project on track. 

  • Third, you need to communicate with the offshore team regularly. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there are no misunderstandings. 

  • Fourth, you need to be prepared for changes. 

One of the benefits of outsourcing mobile development to an offshore team is that these companies can provide resources at a much lower cost than hiring domestically.

 However, this means that when you outsource mobile development, your project may change and evolve as new information becomes available or different needs arise. 

You should expect this possibility when deciding whether or not to go offshore with your project; therefore it's important to set up good communication channels between yourself and the contractor so as not to experience any miscommunications during this time.

Offshore mobile app development can be a great strategy for many businesses looking for low-cost solutions without compromising quality or service levels.

 With just a little preparation, however, it can also offer advantages such as increased flexibility and access to global talent pools.

 For example, if your company is currently seeking to expand its presence in Asia, going offshore could allow you to tap into a region with more than 4 billion people and enjoy immediate results by outsourcing mobile development work. 

Or if your company has been experiencing employee shortages due to economic conditions at home or otherwise, you might consider going offshore and using the country's talented pool of workers. 

Remember that the vast majority of these people are eager to have their skills put to use, which means they'll be happy to learn and grow.

 Finally, remember that mobile development outsourcing does come with some disadvantages: potentially lower quality standards and less flexible timelines for projects. 

That said, most companies who decide to go offshore reap many rewards in return.

 The costs of outsourcing mobile development are often significantly lower than those associated with domestic hires, but since these companies can utilize talent from around the world, they're still able to deliver high-quality projects.

 And because these companies know how difficult it is to find and hire qualified employees locally, they're willing to invest heavily in training programs in order to produce quality engineers.

 Additionally, outsourcing mobile development allows companies the freedom to focus on their core competencies while still providing them with affordable support where needed.

 In fact, one survey showed that over 80% of business leaders found significant value from outsourcing - proving that offshoring mobile development can be very beneficial for many companies!

Choosing the right partners

Offshore mobile app development can be a great way to save money and get access to high-quality developers. 

But it's not right for every business. Here are a few things to consider before you outsource your mobile app development: 

  • 1. What kind of application do you need? 
  • 2. What is your budget? 
  • 3. What are your timeline and development needs? 
  • 4. Do you have in-house staff who can manage the project? 
  • 5. Are you comfortable with the language barrier? 
  • 6. What kind of customer service and support do you need? 
  • 7. What are the risks involved? 
  • 8. How much control will you lose over the product? 
  • 9. Will offshore mobile app development work for your business? 

To answer that question, think about:

  •  how many developers you're looking for,
  •  what kind of application or service you're creating, 
  • what other factors would impact the cost and quality of your mobile app development company. 

Offshore mobile app development might not be right for businesses seeking to create very complex apps that rely on custom coding or products that require constant updates.

 Companies considering offshore mobile app development should also take into account:

  •  the time zone difference (will they have an overlap with developers?),
  •  their language capabilities,
  •  how often they'll want to update their applications. 

Some businesses may find that in-house mobile developer can create apps faster than outsourcing them overseas, even if those developers are less experienced.

 For companies who already have mobile developers on staff but aren't satisfied with their services, offshoring might provide them an opportunity to hire more highly skilled employees without breaking the bank on salary costs. 

Businesses considering offshoring should weigh these pros and cons before making a decision.

Managing your project

When you outsource your mobile app development, you will need to manage the project carefully to ensure that it is completed on time and within budget. 

Here are a few tips for doing so: 

  •  Keep an eye on costs by setting budgets and notifying developers of any changes before they start work. 

  •  Give developers clear instructions with as much detail as possible in order to avoid any misunderstandings or miscommunications. 

  •  Be clear about what changes can be made to the project at different stages of production (for example, during design versus after launch). 

  •  Follow up regularly with your developer in order to give feedback or provide additional input about anything that needs tweaking. 

  •  Set expectations early: Outline the desired outcome of the project and any deadlines, then establish a line of communication with your developer to make sure both parties know what's expected. 

  •  Review milestones: Set milestone goals together so that everyone understands when major milestones should be met.

 When these dates are reached, take a look at how far along the project is and make sure you're happy with its progress before proceeding.

  •  Manage scope creep: Keep track of all changes to the original scope of the project so that you know if and when something has been changed without your knowledge.

 If something new has been added, get quotes from multiple developers to see which option works best for you financially. 

  •  Stick to one developer: It might sound like a good idea to switch between developers in order to get more bang for your buck, but this will only cause confusion and lead to problems down the road.

 Choose one developer who you trust and stick with them until the end of the project.

  •  Project management tools: There are many tools available to help streamline your workflow when managing an offshore mobile app development project, such as Basecamp or Asana. 

These programs allow you to communicate with all stakeholders involved in the process while tracking progress on tasks and assigning responsibilities to team members

  •  no matter where they may be located! You can also use these tools to stay organized by listing timelines, adding milestones, and checking off tasks as they are completed.

  •  Take advantage of features offered by your developer: Make sure you discuss the program features that interest you most thoroughly with your chosen contractor before signing on.

 Look for features like user permissions controls, data storage options, or automated notifications to help keep things running smoothly.

While it's never easy to relinquish control over part of your business, the benefits of outsourcing go beyond financial savings. 

For businesses seeking growth through innovation, partnering with top-notch developers can have huge payoffs; they'll have access to resources and connections abroad, bringing fresh perspectives into their work and helping them to think bigger than ever before.

 Plus, there's always the peace of mind that comes from knowing someone else is handling everything behind-the-scenes so you don't have to worry about whether or not the product will be delivered on time!

What can you do if outsourcing fails?

If you've outsourced your mobile app development and it fails, there are a few things you can do. 

First, try to figure out what went wrong.


  • Was the company you hired not up to par? 
  • Did they not understand your vision?
  •  Or was it something else entirely? 

Once you know what the problem was, you can either try to fix it or look for another company to do the job. 

If you decide to go with another company, make sure to do your research this time so that you don't make the same mistake twice. 

You could also consider keeping in contact with the original contractor, in case anything goes wrong down the line.

 As long as you keep lines of communication open, it's possible that if there is an issue after you switch contractors, the original contractor will be able to help resolve the issue more quickly. 

There's always a chance that the second company won't work out any better than the first one did, but at least you'll have tried. 

It may sound like a lot of trouble to find new contractors every time there's an issue, but sometimes outsourcing doesn't really save you money.

 If your project takes three months and costs $30,000 from start to finish when done in-house, then using offshore freelancers may cost you about $10,000-$20,000 just on the contract costs alone. 

If outsourcing has failed for you before - whether that failure happened during project conception or not - chances are high that it will fail again. When business owners come to us looking for help with their mobile app design needs we usually ask them how their previous projects turned out before moving forward.