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Semrush Traffic Cost. How much will it cost you to bid on organic keywords using Google Ads?

 Semrush Traffic Cost: How Much it Would Cost to Bid on Organic Keywords Through Google Ads

Semrush Traffic Cost is an estimation of how much it would cost to bid on organic keywords through Google Ads, provided by the Semrush Keyword Magic Tool.

 So, It is an estimation of how much it would cost to get traffic from Google if you were to bid on your target keyword through Google Ads.

 This feature allows users to quickly get an idea of which keywords are worth the money and which are not.

Understanding SEMrush Traffic Data

Traffic cost in Semrush is an estimation of how much it would cost to bid on organic keywords through Google Ads. 

This metric is important for businesses because it can help inform SEO and marketing strategies. For example, if a business sees that its competitors are paying $5 per click for a certain keyword, it may want to focus its efforts on that keyword in order to be more competitive. 

Additionally, this data can be useful when making decisions about which keywords to bid on in paid search campaigns. 

For example, if the website decides that they need to start bidding on a new term related to its industry, but SEMrush Traffic Data shows there are no monthly searches for the term, then the business might rethink its strategy.

 It's also possible that this metric could lead them to decide not to bid on the keyword because it has too low a traffic volume.

 If SEMrush Traffic Data shows that there are only two queries a month for a particular word, then it may not be worth spending money on Google Ads just to try and rank for those queries, since the ROI will likely not be worth it.

 In simple terms, Traffic cost in Semrush is an estimation of how much it would cost to bid on organic keywords through Google Ads.

 So, It is always best to check SEMrush Traffic Data before deciding what strategy to employ. 

Where Do the Numbers Come From?

The traffic cost numbers come from a variety of sources. The main source is Google's own cost-per-click (CPC) advertising system, AdWords. 

Other CPC estimates come from third-party tools like Wordstream and Moz. Finally, traffic cost estimation can be done manually by analyzing click-through rates (CTRs) and positions in the SERP. 

For example, an ad at position 1 might have twice as many clicks as an ad at position 2. Therefore, we would estimate that the first ad costs twice as much per click.

 In order to maintain accuracy, SEMRush updates its data every week. 

This has been proven through numerous tests conducted by SEMRush to find the best match between organic keyword volume and estimated traffic cost for given keywords.

This process often results in situations where the estimated traffic cost for some keywords exceeds their true value; this could happen when there are not enough quality data points available for a specific term or because SEMRush has identified potential outliers (for example, ads with unusually high CTRs). 

The good news is that you always know what your budget will be for any given keyword or phrase when you set up your campaigns using SEMRush's bidding tool; it automatically calculates how much your bids will need to be so that you stay within your budget constraints. 

A Few Quick Notes about Semrush Traffic Cost Estimates:

  • 1. Semrush does not have access to Google's bid prices, which means they cannot calculate accurate estimates for search terms that do not produce significant volumes of searches in Google Search and Display Network. 

That being said, SEMRush strives to maintain accuracy by ensuring they update the data weekly and continuously perform research on outliers that may affect their findings. 

  • 2. A recent study found discrepancies among different traffic estimators - but even so, most agree that people should aim for 25% of their targeted budgets to be spent on paid search marketing while 65% should go towards SEO efforts. 

  • 3. One exception to this rule is if you're doing local SEO, then spending 20% of your funds on PPC seems more appropriate since geographic targeting has a higher conversion rate than non-geographic targeting. 

  • 4. Spending too much money can lead to diminishing returns and low ROI, meaning it's important to consider the competitive landscape when deciding how much money to spend on SEM/SEO efforts. 

  • 5. Spending too little can result in getting lost in the noise due to limited visibility; conversely, spending too much can lead to costly mistakes such as higher CPA or expensive mistakes like bidding against yourself (more details below). 

  • 6. The best way to avoid these pitfalls is by conducting thorough research beforehand and tailoring both strategies accordingly.

 This will allow you to balance your SEM and SEO efforts and, as a result, reach your goals.

Are There Limitations?

Yes, there are some limitations to consider when using the traffic cost estimation feature in Semrush.

 For one, the traffic cost is only an estimate based on current conditions. 

Additionally, the CPC estimates are based on average costs-per-click from Google Ads data.

 So, if you're targeting a specific country or region, the CPC could be higher or lower than what's shown in the traffic cost estimation.

 Finally, the traffic cost estimation doesn't take into account any other factors that could impact your costs-per-click, such as quality score. 

Quality score is a factor in determining how much Google charges for keywords and ads. The higher your quality score, the less you'll pay per click.

 A low-quality score can lead to increased prices. 

To get more information about how much your search engine marketing strategy will cost, enter your search term(s) in the free SEMrush AdWords planfile_copy module and see the estimated bids, impressions, clicks, conversions, and total costs of a single keyword.

 From there, you can extrapolate the projected cost for your campaign over time.

Is SEMrush Worth The Price?

If you're serious about SEO, then you know that SEMrush is one of the best tools on the market.

 But is it worth the price? Let's take a look at what you get for your money with SEMrush. 

The lowest monthly plan is $69 per month which includes 3,000 reports and 100k keywords. 

You can also get access to 10 million keywords and 300k social media profiles for $199 per month. 

As far as pricing goes, SEMrush has reasonable rates but other competitors like Ahrefs offer cheaper rates for monthly plans if you sign up for an annual plan (monthly pricing starts at $99).

 If you are an online business looking to make more money in 2022 then Semrush might be worth the investment because there are many more benefits to using this tool than just getting competitive data on your rivals.

 For example, it also gives you insights into keyword difficulty and helps find low-competition keywords that could help boost traffic.

 It will also show you how much organic traffic a website gets per month and how much organic search engine ranking it has.

 All of these things are great for getting more traffic organically which means less cost when compared to advertising through paid campaigns.

 When we looked into pricing, the most expensive package was quite expensive at $299 per month. 

But depending on your budget, the other packages have good value for their cost and do not go over our budget threshold of $300 per month or higher.

 When we looked at pricing it seemed that Semrush offered good value when comparing them to other companies so we decided to get started right away by signing up for their cheapest package.