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Competitor Keyword Research Tool: How to Search for Any Competitor and Download Their Keywords

The Best Competitor Keyword Research Tool: How to Download Your Competitors' Keywords and Avoid Th

The Best Competitor Keyword Research Tool

Do you want to know what keywords your competitors are targeting? How about their PPC or SEO strategies? Competitor Keyword Research Tool will do all of this and more, making it the best competitor keyword research tool on the market today.

 With this search tool, you can access your competitors’ keyword data and see which ones they rank well for, and which ones they’re spending money on through PPC ads or their organic search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.

Step 1) Review your competition

A good place to start your competitor analysis is by finding and downloading their keywords.

 Google offers a free keyword planner tool that can help you with this. Once you have their keywords, you can use them to see what SEMrush has to say about your competition. 

You can also use these keywords to find out :

  • what their PPC
  • and SEO strategies are,
  • and avoid making the same mistakes they did. 

Don't get lost in data: The more information you gather, the more complicated it becomes. Make sure you know how to review data efficiently so you don't get overwhelmed. 

Reviewing your competitors on SEMrush will show :

  • who's doing well in PPC and SEO as well as who's not doing so well: which can be helpful for avoiding any potential mistakes on your own campaigns.

  •  show you what their strengths and weaknesses are: which could potentially give you some insight into where your marketing strategy should focus next.

 If you're still feeling lost after looking at all of this data, try reading an insightful blog post or two before deciding on your next steps. 

While there are plenty of informative articles online, one of my favorite resources is from Neil Patel and Quicksprout. 

They wrote a great guide called 11 Steps to Market Domination. Neil recommends focusing on SEO first and using ads to promote your site when you've reached the top spot. 

By following his advice, you'll be able to build a powerful brand without getting overwhelmed.

 Follow these steps and you'll be crushing it in no time!   - find competitors, research their tools and find what keywords they’re targeting! You can even find their backlinks, social media profiles, and estimated traffic stats! 

Step 2) Get the Tools you need

Before you can even begin your research, you need to make sure you have the right tools for the job. 

The first tool you'll need is a keyword research tool. 

This will help you find the right keywords for your business. Once you have a list of keywords, you can start looking at your competitor's websites to see how they are using those keywords.

 Look at their ads, their blog posts, and their social media posts. See what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. 

Then, take that information and use it to create a better strategy for your own business. It doesn't matter if you're running an e-commerce store or a local pizza shop, there's always something new to learn about marketing on the internet.

 And one way to do that is by taking a look at your competition. Who knows? You might be able to get some inspiration from them!

 Plus, there are usually fewer people in the market researching your competition so they might not know as much about you as you think!

 That gives you the advantage to swoop in and gain more customers before they figure out your secrets. 

If this sounds like something that interests you, then keep reading below for more info on how to download your competitor's keywords.

  • 1 Find Your Competitor: Let's say you want to check out another online retailer that sells clothes.

In order to get started, all you need to do is type an online clothing retailer into the Google search bar and click on the top result. What comes up? Check it out for yourself! Type in any other niche (e.g., shoes) into the Google search bar and see what pops up. 

You should now have a list of potential competitors in front of you. Keep scrolling through until you find one that looks good to target. 

When you've found the perfect site, just go ahead and click on their website URL to be taken straight to it. Now we're ready for step two!

  • 2 Collect Your Information: Start off by downloading your competitor's keywords with Web Site Auditor Pro. 

With only a few clicks, this powerful tool will give you access to every single word on their website, including:

  •  text links, 
  • headings,
  •  page titles, 
  • meta descriptions, 
  • h1 tags,
  •  and more

—all organized neatly into easy-to-read reports. All without logging into their account or breaking any terms of service agreements.

 It really couldn't be easier than that! And remember, while you're getting all these great insights on your competitor's strategies, don't forget to take notes! One thing we've noticed when studying our competitors is that they often neglect their conversion rates. 

They might focus too much on driving traffic to their site rather than focusing on making sure those visitors convert into paying customers. 

Remember, the ultimate goal of any company is to increase sales revenue. So once you download your competitor's keywords, check out their conversion rates and see where things stand compared to yours. 

 If everything seems pretty close between the two sites but your company has a lower conversion rate overall than theirs does... well then maybe it would be worth looking into why that is before continuing down this road.

Step 3) Choose a Domain Name

Your domain name is your online identity. It's how customers find you and how you build credibility. So it's important to choose a name that's both memorable and relevant to your business. 

Here are a few tips for choosing the perfect domain name:


  • 1. Keep it short and sweet. Long domains are hard to remember and type. 
  • 2. Make it easy to spell. Avoid using slang or industry jargon that could be confusing for customers. 
  • 3. Use keywords. Include relevant keywords in your domain name to help customers find you more easily online. 
  • 4. Be unique. With so many businesses online, it's important to stand out from the crowd with a unique name that reflects your brand personality.

 You can brainstorm different options by considering these five things: 

1. The best time of day for your target audience to visit your site. 

2. The keyword phrases you want visitors to search on when they're looking for what you offer. 

3. Whether or not you want to include numbers or make a word plural (e.g., mobile phones) in your domain name if those words are important parts of what you do - but don't forget that the shorter, the better! 

4. Whether or not you want to register a dot-com, dot-net, dot-org, etc. version of your domain name depends on which version is available first. 

5. The countries where you plan to expand your company into in the future. Remember, there may be different top-level domains for some countries (e.g., China has .cn). 

Who will own the URL? Remember, there are two ways to go about this: 

  • registering a domain in your own name and sharing ownership with other people or companies who will have control over its content, 

  • or registering it in the names of one or more other people who will have control over its content.

 If you register it in your own name, the registrar will notify all parties listed as co-owners of the domain before transferring ownership of it.

 If others are listed as co-owners then only their permission is required for registration transfers. 

That means someone else could take control of your website without warning if they aren't also listed as a co-owner.

 That's why some people like to list family members or friends as owners in case something happens to them. 

Now pick up the phone and call around for pricing quotes on domains that fit your needs.

 Domain names typically cost between $10-$15 per year with most registrars adding additional fees each year afterward until renewal ($7-$9 per year). 

As far as research tools go, I personally find DomainSaleTools to be my favorite because it does everything I need. 

All I need to do is input my competitor's domain name and select their competition package of my choice (typically $39/month), upload their Adsense ID code, wait 10 minutes while the data imports, and then export the data. 

From there I'm able to download keywords in bulk or individually.

DomainSaleTools doesn't just work for competitors either--you can use it to find any new domains being registered across the web including ones that haven't been claimed yet so you can snap them up before anyone else gets them.

Step 4) Download the HTML version (optional but helpful)

You can use a number of different competitor keyword research tools, but one of the best is to simply download your competitor's keywords.

 This will give you a good idea of what they are targeting and how they are ranking for various terms. 

Plus, you can avoid making the same mistakes they are making.

 Here's how to do it:

  •  First, go to Google AdWords.
  •  Select Keyword Tool from the menu bar.
  •  Type in your competitor's name or website URL and click Get search results. 
  • Next, select See all... from the drop-down list next to Language on the left side of the screen.
  •  Click Export (near the bottom). 
  • In the box that pops up, type in a file name like competitor-keywords then hit Save.
  •  The text file should open automatically; if not, right-click on it and choose Open with Microsoft Word or Open with Notepad (depending on which program you have installed).

 In either program, just copy and paste all of the content into another document to save for later reference.

 There are many other methods for finding your competitors' keywords as well, including downloading their web pages via FTP, but this method is by far one of the easiest ways that I've found to do so! FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. 

FTP programs allow you to upload files directly onto your server over the internet. 

To find out more about how to do this, check out my blog post here. It goes into detail about how to install an FTP program and start using it to download your competitors' content. It also gives a few examples of what else you might be able to learn by analyzing the data that comes back. 

What else could you find out?

 By looking at what keywords your competitors rank for and how they're doing it, you'll get ideas for new strategies to try yourself. 

For example, if someone is ranking highly for dog food but poorly for pet care, maybe they need a broader range of products instead of narrowing down the focus too much.

 If someone ranks high on SEO but has no rankings whatsoever when looking at search engine optimization, maybe they need to spend some time reading up on current SEO techniques before trying anything new.

 Lastly, don't forget to take notes on things like domain authority and page authority while you're researching your competition! These metrics help you evaluate the power of a site in general. 

Domain Authority measures how powerful and authoritative the entire site is whereas Page Authority refers to the individual page's power.

 A quick way to calculate these metrics is to divide 100 by the number of links pointing towards that domain or page respectively (i.e., 200/100=2 for Domain Authority and 200/10=20 for Page Authority).

 With this information, you can quickly see where sites fall compared to others on Google's SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) and how they are ranking.

 One of the most important parts of competitor research is to find out what keywords they are targeting.

 This helps you determine how effective your own efforts have been and allows you to adjust accordingly.

 As mentioned above, the Keyword Tool in Google Adwords is a fantastic place to start but there are a number of other tools out there that can provide this information, such as SEMrush, ahrefs, and spyfu.

Step 5) Export all the keywords!

Not sure how to export your competitor's keywords? No problem! Just follow these simple steps and you'll be on your way to a successful keyword research plan. 

1) From the left-hand column, click on keywords 

2) Click on export all the keywords! 

3) Choose a file name and save it for later.

4) Make a note of the competitors' websites so that you can return there if necessary 

5) Repeat this process for each competitor in your industry

6) When you have completed the process for all competitors, sort the list in alphabetical order 

7) Create new columns with headings like Actions, Most Searched, Rankings, etc. 

8) Sort each column by different metrics

9) Identify which keywords are more beneficial based on rank and search volume 

10) Add any other useful columns to customize your spreadsheet

 11) Repeat this process as often as needed! 

You now have a database of competitors' keywords to work from!

 The next step is to identify the best-performing keywords.

 Remember, not every keyword is created equal.

  •  Some might get better rankings than others;
  •  some might have higher search volumes than others; 
  • some might cost less per click than others.

 The next step is to identify which ones perform best for your business goals! Once you've identified those high-performing keywords, it's time to start optimizing your site to focus on those results.

  •  If you want people to see your products, add them to your PPC campaign.
  •  If you want people searching for recipes to find yours instead of theirs, optimize your content and tags accordingly.